The Grants Pass Restoration Church of God is a growing fellowship of believers in Grants Pass, Oregon who are striving to adhere to the original biblical faith of Jesus and the New Testament Church.  We are affiliated with the Restoration Churches of God, which is a group of autonomous sister congregations who share common teachings and doctrine; and share in the support of a Bible College and mission work through the Church of God, General Conference in Morrow Georgia.

To us there is nothing more important or reassuring than knowing God's purpose for humanity, and His plan for working out that purpose.  The return of Jesus to set up a new world government of righteousness and peace on earth is the next major phase of that plan.  And he has promised his faithful saints a part in the administration of that righteous kingdom if we will believe in his message and live our lives now according to that message.

The One God, the Father, has exalted his miraculously begotten human son, Jesus the Christ, to sit now with Him in heaven until the time of his return.  This same Jesus is the head of the faithful Church of God, wherever it may be found.  And it continues to believe and teach the same good news that Jesus himself believed and taught almost two millenia ago now.

For more information, please see our statement of core beliefs on our "We Believe" page.

We are so glad you stopped by to visit us at our website.  Please give us a call or email us, we'd love to meet you and get to know you better.
We Believe
Sister Congregations
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Contact Us
Leonard and Alanna Norman
Phone:  # currently being changed

email me
1 Tim. 2:5--"For there is One God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."
Rev. 5:10--"You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth."